reading the ‘good samaritan’ story is fascinating…

both the priest & the levite were ‘good’ people. to touch the victim would make them unclean, so they did the ‘right’ thing… don’t touch.  if you want to stay righteous, then stay away from ‘unclean’..

both the victim & samaritan had something in common… they were both ‘unclean’.

they were both broken people.

what a wonderful privilege to be a part of the community of jesus christ.  a community where god empowers the broken to minister to the broken.

god empowers the ‘unclean…  the ‘outsiders’… he continually selects the ‘wrong people’ to be part of his project to bless the nations.

what an awesome privilege, that jesus…

Who, being in very nature God,  did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,

but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant,  being made in human likeness.

…jesus didn’t walk on by.


[ image is from ]

About kiwi in perth

god is good. :) really really good. my name is al; god called me to leadership & this is my journey.
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2 Responses to reading the ‘good samaritan’ story is fascinating…

  1. Stevo says:

    Love it!! keep it up… has been some good stuff

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